Sunday, April 01, 2012

Friday Night with the Centeno's

Lance and I are invited to the Graduation dinner of my best-cousin in the whole wide world, Queenie. She just graduated last Friday, March 30, 2012 with the BS degree of Legal Management at  The University of Sto. Tomas.

We had our sumptous dinner at Saisaki, Padre Faura Manila.

here are the photos:

Me, Queenie and my Auntie Lisa(Queenie's mom)

Me and my bestcouz with our empty plates on! Gettin' ready =P

Iris (Queenie's sister) and Lerdie. The couples! :>

The sisters! :)

My mom and me :) I missed her :)

Lerdie's dad

Lance and I 

 The Centeno Family :)

The lovely ladies :)

Happy Graduation and Congratiolations, beecee! I love you! 


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