Thursday, February 02, 2012

The Magic of Facebook Chat

Every single time...

I got this photo at 9gag where their posts are just dope and you can't help but share it to your readers or followers. Hahaha! :D

I want to blog about this photo because I can relate to this. This was so me two years ago. I know the feeling when your crush is your friend in any of your social accounts specially on Facebook and your crush is online and you will do absolutely nothing. 

The moment when my crush appears online to my FB chat or YM makes me hyper and giddy. Every time he appears green into my FB chat makes me wish that he will make "pansin" to me. Haha! We're friends in school and even classmates but we are not that close enough to make chat conversations in fb. Just a simple comment and hit the like button in random posts or statuses are already enough. Besides, I'M SHY.  But just to let you know guys, he was the one who added me on Facebook and I was so late to realize that he was already my crush. Since then, I am always waiting for him to get online and hoping that he will chat me.  I was like the-waiting-in-vain girl for almost 4months. Yeah, sounds pathetic.

But one night, a pop sound released in my desktop speakers and when I checked, it was HIM. I was like a crazy girl who's jumping out of joy because finally, he chatted me. :") since then, we always had a great and funny conversations every night. I was like a blushing little girl every time we were exchanging chat and text messages to think that he's always the one that who will make the first approach. And he even confessed that he likes me. BOOOM!! I just harvested the fruits of waiting in 4months when he confessed me that. Lalalalala :">

But he doesn't have a clue that I had a crush on him and I didn't told him how I felt when he confessed me those words. I just gave him a "really??" answer with a straight face.

Yadda Yadda Yadda.... And that ended after two months
And if you're asking me if he's still my crush, well, NOT anymore. 
But, I'm happy because those butterflies-in-my-stomach feeling that he gave me was one of the highlights of my 2010.

So there you go, The Magic of FB Chat.
Cool story bro.

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