Sunday, May 27, 2012

Little Miss Captain America

sorry if I only had two outdoor shots. It drizzled when I'm doing some outdoor shots. And these shots was taken right after when I got fever. So pardon my looks if I look stressed and haggard. Haha!:D

Anyways, my peg that day was wearing something simple. Since I just got back from sick, I'm too lazy to dress up. And being lazy means wearing shirt, shorts and bare-faced. I opted to wear my Captain America shirt (I'm planning to collect all the marvel shirts ever since I watched The Avengers! I'm such a fan girl! haha!) and topped it with a denim vest that I got from ukay-ukay(this vest was my first purchase from an Ukay-Ukay. Haha!). I don't want my look to be dull so I paired it with my favorite shiny blue oxfords from The Ramp. Have you noticed my bag? it's a laptop bag actually. Cute right? :)

Bazaar Captain America Shirt | Thrift Store Denim Vest | SM Department Store Semi-highwaist shorts
The Ramp Shiny blue oxfords | Link Graphix Watch | Teens Zone, G4 laptop sling bag and charm bracelet

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